Q&A – Love The Drop

It’s always good to see grassroots enthusiasm within the scene and the Love The Drop podcast is a great example of exactly that – two guys with a love for the music, sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm about all things junglistic. To find out a bit more, we gave the guys a quick Q&A, check it!

DNB Dojo: Hi Guys! For those that don’t already know you, care to introduce yourselves and the podcast?

Love The Drop: We are Mylo and Dom the co-hosts of The Love The Drop Podcast. We are just two lads that don’t take themselves too seriously and love Jungle music; possibly more than life itself! We started back in August 2014 with a plan to produce a podcast that represented real Jungle/Drum & Bass music. We noticed there were very few (if any) podcasts that truly represented the vast spectrum of styles, genres and tempos from the past and from the present. We hope we are achieving this with LTD and that we will continue to do so.

DD: What’s your background within the D&B scene? You guys certainly seem to know your D&B history!

LTD: I think we probably have a similar background to a lot of Junglists out there. From the age of about 9 or 10 we were both blessed with ‘hand me down’ tape packs of Dreamscape, Raindance, Helter Skelter etc. We were quite quickly hooked on chopped up amen breaks and reggae bass lines. No other music has ever really come close. We got decks, became vinyl junkies and ravers and kinda grew up with the scene. It’s worth saying there are people out there with mad scene knowledge that we can only aspire to.

DD: You recently ran a Digital special including an interview with the man himself. How did that come about? Have you got more producer specials lined up this year?

LTD: The Digital episode was a clear highlight of LTD so far. It was crazy really; Digital is one of our most favorite producers and have always loved his raw sound. When we approached him we really did not expect it to go ahead, but Digital came back to us and we set it up over a few weeks. He was an awesome guy to work with, really friendly and easy going. He picked some of his own tunes and we picked a few… It was not hard to pick from his back catalogue; they are all massive tracks. He is a very consistent artist. Regarding trying to replicate this with other artists and labels, we have agreed to do a special with a well-known and well-loved label. We also have several producers lined up, so watch this space!

DD: Do either of you produce or just DJ? Any gigs coming up?

LTD: In a dream world we would both be churning out endless tracks and be DJing in our home town of Bristol. That said we only just about find time to get the podcast done each week in between our busy schedules. We have both played out in the past but right now we are focusing solely on the podcast and our day jobs. That said, who knows what the future will hold.

DD: Last but not least, favourite tunes from the first year of LTD?

LTD: That’s a tough one! It’s been a huge year release wise. I guess a few that stand out were Fracture – Loving Touch, Dead Mans Chest – Revenant, Digital – Africa, Ulterior Motive – Keep It Moving, Lost Sequence & Codeshaper – Spice Market and just about everything that Om Unit has released. Dispatch have been consistent, as have Ingredients. We are also really excited about the Tempo label. All of the above are quite well known releases and labels to be fair although there were so many lesser known artists and labels that brought some serious fire to the table too!

There you have it – keep an eye on www.lovethedrop.com and iTunes for the latest episodes – plenty more Jungle and D&B to come from these guys!

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