Q&A – FD [Sun & Bass]

Sun & Bass are returning with their fourth release on the festival’s sporadic but well respected label offshoot, and this time the beats come from longtime conspirators FD and ArpXP. To find out a bit more about his history with Sun & Bass and the new EP, we tracked down FD for a quick chat…

DNB Dojo: Hi Freddie, thanks for taking the time to chat. How are you today mate?

FD: Hey man – bit fuzzy today tbh! Getting there slowly though…

DD: So your latest EP is dropping via Sun & Bass Recordings. How did you first come to be involved in the festival?

FD: I was living in Berlin and met the guys when Steve Lynx came over to visit one time and introduced me. We started hanging out more and became friends and a little while later they asked me if I’d like to come on board and help out.

DD: You’ve teamed up with ArpXP on the EP. How did the idea for the project come about, and how did you go about selecting the tracks that ended up on the release?

FD: Sun & Bass Recordings already existed before – they’ve released two great compilations with tracks from some of the festival’s closest supporters such as Calibre, S.P.Y, Marcus Intalex, dBridge, Ulterior Motive to name a few – and also a great remix 12″, with remixes from Calibre and Paradox. Arp and I had both been speaking to Stefano (one of the owners of the festival) about who we were signing our music with, and he wanted to push the label again. It just seemed like a great thing to do so we all decided let’s do it!

Stefano is basically the A&R for the label so he decides what tracks he likes. But there’s always a bit of discussion – luckily for him he’s picked a couple of really opinionated people to work with! 😉

DD: Sun & Bass is a pretty special festival to say the least. What’s your favourite memory from the festival so far?

FD: Yeah man it really is. Hard to pick one favourite moment – but I always think about the last tune of 2014. Marcus Intalex was playing, and he smashed it, really went in, very eclectic selection, stuff like The End Pt II and Reunited by Ill Logic & Raf, Honeydew by Calibre, all big tunes for me. As if that wasn’t enough, we thought it was all over, but he sneaked one more in – Secret Liaisons by Source Direct, possibly one of my favourite tunes ever. It was quite a moment.

DD: If you could bring any DJ out to Sardinia on next year’s lineup, who would it be?

FD: That’s a real tough one as there’s loads of people I’d love to see play out there! I’m not sure i can narrow it down to one, but I’d love to see Break, DLR, Total Science, Blocks & Escher – man, I could go on…

DD: Last but not least, which tune will always remind you of Sun & Bass, and why?

FD: Again, super tough one – but maybe Secret Liaisons then. That moment is just so stuck in my head – the inside at Ambra Night just packed, so so tired, but just losing my shit to that!

You can check out some tracks from the forthcoming One More Week EP below; hit up the Samurai Store for pre-order ahead of the Oct 30th release date.

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