Top 5: Still

Russian producer Still has really impressed us with his latest EP for Diffrent Music; weird and wonderful soundscapes, crazy sound effects and hints of techno play into a truly innovative selection of electronica on the fringes of the D&B sound. We caught up and asked the man for his Top 5 influences; check it out for a walk on the weirder side of the sonic spectrum.

Vladislav Delay – #5

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2493845099 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=none track=269946219]

FIS – Happy Alone

Subwave – Deadhead

Ena – Meteor

Sam KDC – Law of the Trapezoid

Still’s Bugs Have A Soul EP is out Feb 1st via the Diffrent Store.

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