Q&A – InsideInfo

Paul InsideInfo has been a busy man the last few years, dropping a number of essential tracks for the likes of Virus and Critical. With the first single from his debut album for Viper Recordings just out, we grabbed him for a quick chat about Spychase and what’s in store on the LP…

DNB Dojo: Hi Paul, how are you today mate?

InsideInfo: Really good! Just putting the final touches on a remix I’m super excited about.

DD: So tell us a bit about Spychase. What’s the inspiration behind the tune? Were you watching tons of James Bond or something?

II: Yeah, I just love those old spy movies and wanted to translate that into music. I went on a bit of a bond marathon one week and that was the end result. It’s a playful track that’s aimed at the dancefloor.

DD: Did you sample anything unusual to get hold of the “spy” elements of the tune?

II: I had my friend Stuart record all the brass for the track and there is a screeching car sound in there from an old spy movie – I won’t say which one, though it’s not a Bond movie…

DD: This is the lead single from your forthcoming debut album which we understand will be out this year. What can you tell us about the LP?

II: It’s 14 tracks, not all DNB, no collabs with other DNB artists but features a range of vocalists and musicians. I can’t wait to get it out there!

DD: I understand you’ve pulled some fairly unusual collaborators in for the album, any stories you can share on that front?

II: I’m really pleased with how it all turned out. One of the vocalists, Fable, came about from listening to a track by Paul Hartnoll of Orbital in my car on the way home from a gig. Then Aref Durvesh the Tabla player popped round mine, sat on the floor and gave me some incredible Tabla parts to work with. I was just sitting there watching him work with my jaw wide open. There’s a video of him doing it on my Instagram.

DD: What else have you got up your sleeve beyond the album this year?

II: A bunch of remixes finished already and I’m going to keep the ball rolling and work on brand new solo material, then get some new collabs on the go.

Spychase is out now on Viper Recordings; check it out below and hit up Beatport to grab a copy now. Watch out for InsideInfo’s debut LP coming via the label on April 7th.

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