EP.1 [Blind Music]

Something a little different today as we take a look at the debut release from Blind Music, a self professed “record label experiment” where every release will be entirely anonymous. The three tracks are written by three different producers, but no clues are available as to who might have penned any of them, and there appear to be no tell-tale production signs either.

BLND#1 provides a nice combination of classic breaks, reverb drenched piano and warm sub bass. The second track on the EP lulls you into a false sense of security with a semi-ambient intro before smacking down with a huge drumline (featuring some dangerously metallic snares) and a meaty sub line. This one sounds like it’d benefit from a proper rig for full effect. Finally BLND#3 heads for upbeat roller territory with some old school bass swells and some nice jazzy touches over the top.

The EP is available now from Bandcamp so have a listen and puzzle over who might be behind the beats.

[bandcamp width=400 height=241 album=2945010497 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 artwork=none]

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